Mission - Service Times


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and Kid's Choirs at 6:30 pm

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Happy Easter

Several years ago a Presidential election turned on the phrase, "It's the economy, stupid!"  The mantra meant that the key issue was the economy.  

I was raised not to call anyone stupid, and I don't except for occasional outbursts when I'm driving.  But I would like the world to know -- "It's the resurrection, __________!"  It all boils down to the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

If Jesus didn't rise from the dead, then He is not the Messiah, the Christ, Lord or Savior.  But if He did...then He is all those things and more.  If He did rise from the dead, then He did die on the cross for my sins; then He is the way, the truth, the life and there is no other way to God except through Him; then He has a rightful claim to be Lord of my life; then I am lost without Christ; then there really is a heaven and hell; then there is eternal life; then He is coming again.
"It's the resurrection, ___________!" means that because of Easter there is forgiveness, and life, and hope, and an eternity.  It means that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son.  

Happy Easter! 

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