Mission - Service Times


Service Times
Sunday Bible Classes at 9:00 am
Worship Service at 10:15 am
Wednesday Night Youth Groups
and Kid's Choirs at 6:30 pm

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Japan Relief

There have been several people asking if we are going to take up a special offering to help with the Japan relief efforts.  We have tried to have direct contact with our stateside forwarding agents for missionaries located in Japan but, apparently due to the overload of requests for information, we have not been able to talk directly to them to know how to help or what kind of help they need the most.

If you would like to contribute to Japanese relief I would suggest one of the following agencies:  Samaritan's Purse, Salvation Army, World Vision, or IDES.  Samaritan's Purse is planning to distribute 93 tons of supplies and they will work through local churches in Japan.  The Salvation Army has about 150 volunteers on the ground in Japan serving meals, providing water, etc.  World Vision seeks to minister to the families and children and they are committed to not only helping to meet the physical needs of children but their emotional needs as well.  IDES is a Christian Church relief organization working to get food and water to the missionaries on the ground in Japan and they assure us that 100% of your donation will go directly to the relief effort.

Here is part of an e-mail sent by Chad Huddleston, a missionary in Osaka, Japan, to IDES:  "It has been a trying and sad time in so many ways: whole towns are gone, thousands upon thousands are without homes and businesses. The news coverage, especially as people's personal videos begin to hit the channels, is simply horrific. And the unknown factor of a nuclear meltdown in the same area looms over it all. But we know that our God is Good and that His desire is to turn this situation around so that many will find peace and comfort and He will be glorified. This is the time for the Christians in Japan (as few as they are! less than 1%) to unite, rise up and be the light. We cannot allow this opportunity to love to pass us by. I ask you to lift us up in prayer."

If you have difficulty finding the sites for any of these agencies or have questions, please contact the church office during business hours.

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